
Regenerative Hepatology Consortium Symposium Program June 2024

3rd International Symposium on Regenerative Hepatology

Organized by: EASL Regenerative Hepatology Consortium

June 4, 2024      9:00-17:30



Via Sant’Antonio, 5 – 20122

Milan, Italy


9:00-9:10 –     Welcome and opening of the symposium by Pedro Baptista, Etienne Sokal, Tobias Cantz and Bart Spee.

Gene Therapy/Editing and other Novel Therapies in Regenerative Hepatology

Moderator: Krista Rombouts, Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, UCL, London, UK.

9:10-9:40 –     The development of novel therapies for Amyloidosis, Vittorio Bellotti, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy

9:40-10:10 –   Prime time for gene-correction therapies targeting the liver, Sabine Fuchs, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

10:10-10:40 – Curing Crigler-Najar with Gene Therapy, Lorenzo D’Antiga, Azienda Ospedaliera Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy

10:40-11:00 – Discussion

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

AI, Modeling and Simulation: The New Frontiers in Regenerative Hepatology

Moderator: Bart Spee, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

11:30-12:00 – Modeling liver regeneration and bile duct development in silico, Paul van Liedekerke, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

12:00-12:30 – AI liver allocation algorithms in liver transplantation, Patrizia Burra, University of Padova, Padova, Italy

12:30-13:00 – 3D spatially-resolved geometrical and functional models of human liver tissue reveal new aspects of NAFLD progression, Marino Zerial, Human Technopole, Milan, Italy

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break

Industry Session: Uncovering new products with potential in Regenerative Hepatology

Moderator: Pedro Baptista, IIS Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain.

14:00-14:10 – Easy and automated ex vivo liver perfusion with the gentleMACS™ Technology, Elaheh Soleimanpour, Miltenyi Biotec

14:10-14:20 – From Procurement to Application: Advanced Techniques in Liver Tissue and Cell Handling for Research and Therapeutics, Natalia Sanchez Romero, BeCytes Biotechnologies SL

14:20-14:30 – Optimised iPSC-derived hepatocytes (Opti-HEP) as a novel in vitro platform in drug efficacy and toxicity screening, Nikolaos Nikolaou, DefiniGEN Ltd.

14:30-14:40 – Bit.Bio

14:40-14:50 – A long-term perfusion platform to improve the standard of care, Andrea Venturato, Apersys AG

Poster session

15:00-16:00 – Rapid fire poster presentations (5 minutes for each presenter)

Regenerating Livers Left and Right: Bioengineering and Cell Therapies for the Liver

Moderators: Sara Campinoti, The Roger Williams Institute of Hepatology, London, UK.

Natalia Sanchez Romero, BeCytes Biotechnologies SL, Spain.

16:00  Bioengineering liver models for in vitro applications, Volker Lauschke, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

16:30  Bioengineering approaches for drug discovery, Alan Holmes, Engitix Therapeutics Ltd, London, UK.

17:00  Macrophage therapy for liver disease, Stuart Forbes, Centre for Regenerative Medicine, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

17:30   Closure


Abstract Submission

Abstract submission will be open from March 25th until May 25th.

Please submit your abstracts to: mail@regenerativehepatology.com

We will award a 1st prize of 150 EUR to the best poster.

Coffee breaks and lunch will be provided.


Please register at mail@regenerativehepatology.com before May 25, 2024.


Should be paid at:

Foundation for Regenerative Hepatology

Chamber of Commerce number: 80698247

Registered at: Luwte 6, de Meern, the Netherlands

Bank account number foundation: NL45 INGB 000 772 448 4

BIC/WIFT: INGBNL2A VAT number: NL861765904B01

Symposium Chair

Pedro Baptista


Ludovic Vallier

Massimo Pinzani

Etienne Sokal

Bart Spee

Tobias Cantz

Frederic Lemaigre

Event Sponsors

Institutional Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors